As the clock ticks, slowly we are moving towards the Celebration Day ‘Poila Boishakh 2012’. To make it a great success we all must hold our hands together and bring up all the talents that we have. Although we will be missing a few great performers this year, we are optimistic to have new shades of colors painted on this year’s ‘Celebration Screen’ and to draw a more glowing, vibrant picture than that of the past years. For this, we are looking to all to come forward with their ‘Performing Arts’. It hardly matters how good we are at it, all that matters is how passionate we are about it. It is the image of passion that we would love to draw – not really the image of perfection and I believe you all would agree with me on this point.
So Friends, please come forward and let us know about your thoughts/ ideas/ performing arts contributions towards the Event so that we can start drawing an amazingly beautiful image of it.
So far, we have identified the following form of Arts for which we are looking to all to come forward with their hidden treasures:
1) Compering
2) Singing
3) Dancing
4) Playing Musical Instruments
5) Recitation
6) Stand-up Comedy
7) Mimicry
8) Photography
9) Painting
10) Acting
If you can do some form of Art which is not mentioned above, then also do let us know.
In addition, we are looking to your opinions on ‘Ways to enrich the Colors of the Event’.